This is my new WIP bag. If you follow me on Facebook then you know this is the one that’s supposed to be replacing my plastic WIP bag.  Well, it’s not goin’ so good… I frogged it, once again.  😦   I have lost count of how many times I’ve already had to do that!  *sigh*  This crochet project is becoming one of those that I need to step away from for a bit..

Progress of WIP Bag

You can see what my current WIP bag looks like in photo 2.  Photos 1 and 3 are the furthest I’ve ever gotten on this project, and 4 is what it currently looks like.  I have officially lost my mojo for this bag!  Mojo, of course, meaning momentum… 🙂  Any suggestions on how to get it back?


This UFO sighting has officially been bagged, tagged, and put on the shelf… for now.

Until next time! 🙋

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